
In deze database vindt u diverse publicaties op het terrein van sociale zekerheid en arbeidsmarkt voortkomend uit diverse (onderzoeks)projecten die Instituut Gak financiert.


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926 publicaties

Inkomensbescherming bij levensloopactiviteiten. Een onderzoek naar de werkloosheidswet en spaarregelingen

Suzanne Heeger - Hertter
Universiteit Utrecht
Stelsel van sociale zekerheid

Open method of coordination. An analysis of it’s meaning for the development of a social Europe

Beryl ter Haar
Universiteit Leiden
Stelsel van sociale zekerheid

Work functioning impairments due to common mental disorders: measurement and prevention in nurses and allied health professionals

Fania Gärtner
Amsterdam UMC
Arbeid en gezondheid

A critical perspective on the reform of Dutch social security law. The case of the life course arrangement.

Anja Eleveld
Universiteit Leiden
Stelsel van sociale zekerheid

Securing job-to-job transitions in the labour market: a comparative study of employment security systems in European countries

Irmgard Borghouts-van de Pas
Tilburg University
Arbeidsmarkt en HRM, Stelsel van sociale zekerheid

This study aims at exploring and analysing employment security systems in European countries with a specific focus on involuntary job-to-job transitions.

Work functioning: development and evaluation of a measurement tool

Femke Abma
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Arbeid en gezondheid

Design of a trial-based economic evaluation on the cost-effectiveness of employability interventions among work disabled employees or employees at risk of work disability: The CASE- study

Cindy Noben, Frans Nijhuis, Angelique de Rijk, Sylvia Evers
Maastricht University
Arbeid en gezondheid

In the Netherlands, absenteeism and reduced productivity due to work disability lead to high yearly costs reaching almost 5% of the gross national product. To reduce the economic burden of sick leave and reduced productivity, different employability interventions for work-disabled ...

Design of a trial-based economic evaluation on the cost-effectiveness of employability interventions among work disabled employees or employees at risk of work disability: The CASE-study

Cindy Noben, Frits Nijhuis, Angelique Rijk, Sylvia Evers
Maastricht University
Arbeid en gezondheid

The Impact of Scoring Weights on Price and Quality Outcomes: An Application to the Procurement of Welfare-to-Work Contracts

Pierre Koning, Arthur van Meerendonk
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Arbeidsmarkt en HRM

Leren Re-integreren

Pierre Koning
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Arbeidsmarkt en HRM, Stelsel van sociale zekerheid